27 Years of Excellence

Since 1996-97 SPECTRA has started working in the rural and interior pockets of Rajasthan. We have completed “27 Years of Civic Action at the Grassroots focussing on reaching the unreached communities and deepening our work. In 27 years of our existence we have worked in more than 450 villages to directly reach out to more than 32,000 families/ women and girls through self-help groups, federations, livelihood, rights, education, Health, Water & Sanitation and adolescent girls’ empowerment interventions.

The journey that started with educating first generation learners in Girl Child Education, particularly from Muslim community in Alwar and Mewat, has reached a point where so far 8670 plus girls have been mainstreamed in education and nearly 4560 have pursued post elementary education.
Spectra have also worked in agriculture, dairy animals and goat rearing ensuring sustainable livelihoods and have formed two Producer Companies of Women. We have also been able to develop three Milk Centres. Reached to more than 5000 women through livelihood enhancement by dairy development and 4500 women through livelihood enhancement by goat based activity.

Spectra’s work in the past year around inclusive governance through Rights and Entitlement project, which holds duty bearers accountable to project beneficiaries on the ground, is an attempt to bring about a more meaningful and long-term change. We also carried out Programs on advocacy on Social and Behavioural Changes through Youth Led Programs, as we believe Youth are the prime medium to achieve community goals. The programs focussed in social and behavioural changes on SRHR, Child Marriage, gender violence and gender Equality leading to the goal of universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights including family planning.

Another initiative taken to promote hygiene and Sanitation Behaviour Changes amongst the girls of K.G.V.B schools in Rajasthan was working towards providing facilities on WASH. Moreover, Kitchen Gardening has been used as a medium to introduce consumption of nutritious food in the community. As a result, Nutritional Status of women and children has been improved.